@ China

Sino-Thai 2011 Symposium on High Energy Physics and Beyond (STSP2011), Institue of Particle Physics, Central China (Huazhong) Normal University, Wuhan, China, April 21-28, 2011

Album :

(M25A).1st Sino-Thai 2011 Symposium @ Dragons-Bay Resort
          >> Link <<

(M25B). China !! Guiyuan Buddhist Temple and Yangtze River
          >> Link <<

(M25C). China !! Tribe of the Three Gorges ^_^
          >> Link <<

Visit :
Guiyuan Buddhist Temple (Temple of Original Purity), Yangtze River Bridge, and Central China Normal University.

Visit :
(1). the Three Gorges Dam,
(2). Three-Gorges Tribe Scenic Spot;
       - The Village on the water,
       - The stream-Side Tribe,
       - The mountain-top tribe,
       - The first tablet in China-stone tablet,
       - The No.1 stone along the Yangtze River-The shadow-play Stone,
       - The No.1 cave-shadow-play Cave,
       - Yellow Dragon Fall,
       - The forth spring in the world-Toad spring,
       - King Ba Palace,
       - The boatman stone,
       - Longjin Brook Wharf,
       - Qinying Waterfall,
       - Saven Piles Spring,
       - The Monkey Mountain,
       - Boatman Performance,
       - The Longxi Bridge and
       - The Moon-Inviting Pavilion.,
(3). Xiling Gorge.